
東京夜間写真部グループ展2018「NIGHT VIEW EMOTION」開催 / The Tokyo Night Photography Club holds a group photo event

AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED, Nikon D850
f/5.6, 1/60秒, ISO3200
3月21日(水)より、わが東京夜間写真部がグループ展を開催する。タイトルの「NIGHT VIEW EMOTION」は、参加する33名の写真家の一人の発案によるもの。どんな写真展になるか楽しみだ(とはいえ、僕は全員の作品をすでに見ている数少ない人だから、どんな写真展になるか、多少は知っているのだが)。



東京ミッドタウン、国立新美術館、青山墓地、遠くに新宿と写ってはいるが、作品名はもちろん「Route 3」。



The Tokyo Night Photography Club will hold a group photo event starting this Wednesday, March 21. Its title is NIGHT VIEW EMOTION. The name was suggested by one of 33 photographers who are joining the event. What kind of event will it be? I can't wait to see it, though I, as one of the organizers, have already seen all the photos.

The photo above is the view from Tokyo City View, the observatory floor of the Mori Tower at Roppongi Hills. I took it on December 30 last year. It was right after the event related with the Metropolitan Expressway, and I really wanted to restart taking photos of the expressway at the time.

My original intention was to try NiSi's brand-new Medium GND filter but I realized I was trying so hard to capture one of the expressway routes running just at the foot of the tower.

In the photo, you can see Tokyo Midtown, the National Art Center and the Aoyama Cemetery. The high-rises in Shinjuku are also visible. But the title of this photo definitely is "Route Three," which is the name of the route itself.

It was right after the sunset when the buildings look most three-dimensional. I thought I would print this one for the group event for a short time.

But I didn't. "A photographer has to stand on the ground to take photos" is my motto :p

This was the only time I used the medium GND filter ...


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