
An Up-and-comin Artist / 新進気鋭のアーティスト紹介

Let me introduce an up-and-coming artist. Saori Anzai served as a manager of Island Gallery for a long time, and has started a career as an artist.

I met her at the gallery on the last day with the gallery. The gallery was holding a going-away party for her, and surprisingly, her latest works were decorating one of the walls at the gallery. Her creations are a combination of photography and drawing. They are so exquisite that the guests bought them all in a few hours!

新進気鋭のアーティストをご紹介。安斉紗織さん(Saori Anzai)は Island Gallery の店長を長年勤めてきました。僕がお世話になったのはギャラリーに写真を飾ってもらうようになったここ2年のことですが、いつも笑顔や温かい言葉に励まされてきました。そんな彼女が、今日からアーティストとしての道を歩むことになりました。


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