I was tired from the photo shooting in the rain yesterday, so it was good news that the appointment was canceled today. So I decided to relax at home and take a short walk in my neighborhood. The lens I chose today was the SIGMA 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM, which is my favorite 50mm lens.
Photo Data
Place: 東京・世田谷 / Setagaya, Tokyo
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: SIGMA 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM | Art
まだ、家でグダグダしていた時間の1枚。いつの間にか、洗面台にアイビーがあるのだが、成長したらどうするんだろう。 My sister left a pot of ivy. I'm not sure what I should do with it when it grows. |
家の前に生えるコケが西日に輝く。 Glittering moss looked glorious in the sunlight. |
家の裏のブルーベリー畑。ブルーベリー狩りの季節も終わって、静かになった。 The raspberry field behind my house was quiet. The season of raspberry picking event was over. |
光を受けたゴミ保護用のネットが好き。カーテンに当たる光が好きな人は、みんな好きなんだろうな。 I like the garbage protecting net when it is lit by the sun. |
ガードレールの下から小さな花が顔を出していた。スマホで見えるかな。小さい赤い実もなっていた。 Small flowers were showing their faces under the guardrail along the sidewalk. I was surprised to see small red berries the small plant had produced. |
自販機に当たる光。一度通り過ぎて、また戻って撮った。 A vending machine. I liked the lights on it. |
よく見る花。これが撮りたかったわけではなく……。 I have seen these flowers frequently. What I wanted to capture was not this ... |
紫の花の下のベンチ。化石? 違うね。花が個々に落ちてベンチに同化したみたい。変なの。 but this. The fallen flowers looked like fossilized. |
色の組み合わせがなんとなく幸せだった。 The color combination made me feel good. |
邪魔されることなく伸びる自転車の影。 Long shadow of a bicycle. |
一度出てきて、気が変わって地中に戻っていった根っこ。 It came out on the ground and went back to earth. |
あの穴に何かいるかも。のぞきはしなかった。 Something might be in there, but I didn't peep in the hole. |
日が傾く。 The sun was going down. |
寄らば大樹の陰。 Rely on someone strong if you want to rely on someone. |
よく見ると反射板はハニカム構造になっていた。そして、ダメージがあると、ハニカム部分から傷むことがわかった。 I noticed the reflector had honeycomb structure, and that when the reflector got damaged, the first thing that would go first. |
ひっそりと。 It was hiding. |
輪投げ……して遊びたかった。 I wanted to play ring toss there. |
陸の孤島。 They are all alone. |
近寄ってみた。 So I got close to say hello. |
彼岸花の茎。一日で伸びるから、緑がとてもみずみずしい。 The green of the stems of spider lilies looked so fresh. |
みのりの秋。 Harvest season has come. |
枯れた葉かと思ったら、上の緑の葉とは形が違う。よく見たら、茶色の何かの裏に、茶色い木の実がたくさん付いていた。 At first I thought they were withered leaves, but small brown nuts were hiding behind them. |
ピンクの葉は、近所の小学生が植えたもの。中学生だったか? Students from nearby school planted them. |
季節の終わり。 End of a season. |
季節が始まる前に枯れたコスモス。こういうのが気になる。 Withered cosmos before their season has come ... |
彼岸花が咲いていたから近寄ってみたら…… I get closer to spider lilies and noticed bulbs on the ground ... |
これから、まだまだ出てくるところだった。球根なんだなぁ。 Oh, they were sprouting ... |
かわいい…… There were more. Looking cute. |
……と思う間もなく、ピューッと伸びる(たぶん)。 They grow in a day ... |
気が付けば、花がさいていた……と思うのだろう、一日眺めていたら。 And produce flowers in a day. |
咲き誇る。 They were at their peak. |
咲くちょっと前。 It was right before its peak. |
咲くもうちょっと前。 And it needed more time before bloom. |
これも伸びる。年中無休で乞われればいつでも。 They don't produce flowers, by the way. |
日が当たっているように見えるけれど、葉の色がこうだった。 They looked as if they had been lit by the sun, but they were not. It's in such color. |
公園を後にして、中学校の外壁。もしや……と思って端から眺めていく。 I left the park and found a paintings of people on the wall of a school. |
あった! まじか。あの足の長さ、描いた人も狙った的な。放水しているところを見てみたい。 Ah-ha! The painter did that intentionally. Look at the guy on the right! |
笑っていたら、もうすぐ日暮れ。帰ろうっと。 I laughed and realized it was time to go home. |