I bought Nikon's tilt-shift 24mm lens some time ago. I was interested in the other focal length, so I decided to use the 45mm this time. The lens is mainly for still-life photography but I'm not intended to do that. I took it out with me and took a walk.
Actually, for a walk, it may be better to use a mount adapter that features a tilt function (Of course, I need to use a different camera such as a micro four-thirds one). But I get some ideas for my future creation during the walk anyway.
I walked from Hatagaya to Shinjuku. Hatagaya is 2 stops nearer to my station from Shinjuku, and i had never gotten off there to take a walk. After getting out of the station, I started to walk in the opposite direction (homeward) because everything in my view was new to me.
I bought Nikon's tilt-shift 24mm lens some time ago. I was interested in the other focal length, so I decided to use the 45mm this time. The lens is mainly for still-life photography but I'm not intended to do that. I took it out with me and took a walk.
Actually, for a walk, it may be better to use a mount adapter that features a tilt function (Of course, I need to use a different camera such as a micro four-thirds one). But I get some ideas for my future creation during the walk anyway.
I walked from Hatagaya to Shinjuku. Hatagaya is 2 stops nearer to my station from Shinjuku, and i had never gotten off there to take a walk. After getting out of the station, I started to walk in the opposite direction (homeward) because everything in my view was new to me.
Photo Data
Place: 幡ヶ谷~新宿 / Hatagaya to Shinjuku
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: PC-E Micro NIKKOR 45mm f/2.8D ED
線路沿いに新宿とは反対方向に歩く。あの、歩道橋が気になる。 I walked along the railroad tracks away from that day's destination, Shinjuku. I wanted to try that pedestrian bridge. |
線路沿いの花も、ティルトで不思議な雰囲気になる。 The flower beside the railroad looked different in the tilted view. |
歩道橋に到着。家の方角を眺める。京王新線が地下に潜る場所。 Finally I got to the bridge, enjoying the view from there. |
新宿方面も眺める。 I enjoyed the view in the other direction, too. |
幡ヶ谷の6号通り商店街を目指すことにした。 I headed for a shopping street in Hatagaya. |
でも、たどり着く前に脇道に入った。元野球選手の経営かな。 It says "Southpaw." Is the place run by an ex-baseball player? |
しばらく開けてないだろう的扉。 I knew no one had used that door for a while. |
ちょうちんで二度漬けお断りと言うんだ。 Lanterns indicated that the restaurant is from Osaka. |
ポップな私有地。 "Private properties." I love the lettering. |
中国語ですか? It looks like Chinese, not Japanese. |
6号通り商店街で、警官たちが若者を取り囲んで話を聞いていた。これはそれとは無関係の惨状。 I saw police officers surrounding a young man in the shopping street. This cone was irrelevant though. |
階段登り切るまで、全部「馬」! Every step said horse meat ... |
かわいい音楽が聞こえてきそうだ。 I thought I heard cheerful music. |
恥ずかしげに隠れたゾウ。 A shy elephant was hiding behind a menu board. |
寂しそうに外を見る便座。何か話したそうだ。 Those toilet seating looked sad. They looked as if they wanted to talk to me. |
鬱蒼とした三角交差点。 The owner should trim that tree. |
After I walked through a shopping street, I entered another one that leads to the next station.
After I walked through a shopping street, I entered another one that leads to the next station.
「通り抜け禁止」のマークにビビる……わけない。 No trespassing? I did, inevitably. |
蔵のような建築。古びた感じがなんとも言えない。 The atmosphere of those buildings looked ... old. |
サビの色が好き。 I like the color of rust. |
途中、ポケットにあった小銭でゲット。黄色い何とか。 I had some coins in my pocket, which lead me to getting this yellow guy. What is it? |
オペラシティーに到着。隣のテニスコートを上からパシャリ。 I reached Tokyo Opera City. I always looking at tennis players in the adjacent court from there. |
ここを通るときはいつも、左の喫煙所で一休み。 The hall of Opera City. I love this view. |
もうすぐゴール。 I saw today's destination. |
新宿出入り口。そういえば、しばらく高架を撮っていないな。 The Shinjuku Exit of Shuto Expressway. I haven't taking photos of Expressway for a while. |
クレーンもフォーカスで遊ぶと面白い。 It's fun to play with focus. |
都庁脇に山並みが見えた。でっかい、洗濯バサミ? 富士山? Metal mountains looked like huge clips. |
振り返ると鳩がいた。追ってみた。逃げられた。 I chased them. They ran away. |
このネットが何のためにあるのか、単なるデザインなのかはわからない。でも、いつも気になる。 I don't know what that netting is for, but I always feel curious. when I walk there. |
都庁に登った。ミニチュアっぽく撮れるのは斜め下45度くらいを見たときかな。 Went up to the observatory of Tokyo Metropolitan government building. |
実は都庁展望台に上るのは2日連続。同じような写真をこの前の日にも撮った。 I went there and captured the same kind of photo on the previous day too. |
これを撮り直したかったのが、展望台に2日連続で行った理由。 The reason that I went there was to capture the view of the park underneath the building. |
高層ビル群。 High-rises. |
映り込む街並み。 Town in the windows. |
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