今日はことりぐらふぁー・大塩 貴文さんの写真展「聴こえてくる声」に足を運んだ。相変わらず小鳥がかわいい。新しいチャレンジとなる風景写真も、小鳥を撮りにこんなところに行っているのだろうかと想像しながら楽しんだ。
レセプションでは小鳥がプリントされた(!)クリスマスケーキ(フランス菓子エリティエHeritierさんからやってきた) を全5種類味わって、味覚も満足。
詳細: http://islandgallery.jp/13704
I went to my friends second solo exhibition at Island Galley. His photographs of small birds were adorable as always. I heard singing voices of birds in his landscape photographs.
Today was the second day and the gallery held a reception party. There I enjoyed delicious cakes from Heritier. The cakes were all for Christmas this year, so i decided what I will order for my family.
One of the highlights of the party was when the photographer was trying to eat a grilled chicken! I didn't know he shoot and eat birds!
The photo is running through the 20th of next weekend. If you are in Tokyo, stop by the gallery and enjoy numerous lovely bird photos. The exhibition detail is here: http://islandgallery.jp/13704
Island Gallery,
photo exhibition,
石川 明宏さんは、写真展「食の物語」でそれを実現した。オープニングレセプションのとき限定ではあったけれども、展示作品にまつわる食の香りや味を楽しみながら写真を見ることができた。
素敵な写真展は嘘ではなく、来週末の10月23日(日)まで Island Galleryで開催中。水の流れ、食の流れをたどる展示構成も興味深いです。
詳細はこちら >> http://islandgallery.jp/13569
Akihiro Ishikawa,
Island Gallery,
photo exhibition,
SIGMA 50mmで近所を歩く / Walking around My Neighborhood with the SIGMA 50mm
I was tired from the photo shooting in the rain yesterday, so it was good news that the appointment was canceled today. So I decided to relax at home and take a short walk in my neighborhood. The lens I chose today was the SIGMA 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM, which is my favorite 50mm lens.
Photo Data
Place: 東京・世田谷 / Setagaya, Tokyo
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: SIGMA 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM | Art
まだ、家でグダグダしていた時間の1枚。いつの間にか、洗面台にアイビーがあるのだが、成長したらどうするんだろう。 My sister left a pot of ivy. I'm not sure what I should do with it when it grows. |
家の前に生えるコケが西日に輝く。 Glittering moss looked glorious in the sunlight. |
家の裏のブルーベリー畑。ブルーベリー狩りの季節も終わって、静かになった。 The raspberry field behind my house was quiet. The season of raspberry picking event was over. |
光を受けたゴミ保護用のネットが好き。カーテンに当たる光が好きな人は、みんな好きなんだろうな。 I like the garbage protecting net when it is lit by the sun. |
ガードレールの下から小さな花が顔を出していた。スマホで見えるかな。小さい赤い実もなっていた。 Small flowers were showing their faces under the guardrail along the sidewalk. I was surprised to see small red berries the small plant had produced. |
自販機に当たる光。一度通り過ぎて、また戻って撮った。 A vending machine. I liked the lights on it. |
よく見る花。これが撮りたかったわけではなく……。 I have seen these flowers frequently. What I wanted to capture was not this ... |
紫の花の下のベンチ。化石? 違うね。花が個々に落ちてベンチに同化したみたい。変なの。 but this. The fallen flowers looked like fossilized. |
色の組み合わせがなんとなく幸せだった。 The color combination made me feel good. |
邪魔されることなく伸びる自転車の影。 Long shadow of a bicycle. |
一度出てきて、気が変わって地中に戻っていった根っこ。 It came out on the ground and went back to earth. |
あの穴に何かいるかも。のぞきはしなかった。 Something might be in there, but I didn't peep in the hole. |
日が傾く。 The sun was going down. |
寄らば大樹の陰。 Rely on someone strong if you want to rely on someone. |
よく見ると反射板はハニカム構造になっていた。そして、ダメージがあると、ハニカム部分から傷むことがわかった。 I noticed the reflector had honeycomb structure, and that when the reflector got damaged, the first thing that would go first. |
ひっそりと。 It was hiding. |
輪投げ……して遊びたかった。 I wanted to play ring toss there. |
陸の孤島。 They are all alone. |
近寄ってみた。 So I got close to say hello. |
彼岸花の茎。一日で伸びるから、緑がとてもみずみずしい。 The green of the stems of spider lilies looked so fresh. |
みのりの秋。 Harvest season has come. |
枯れた葉かと思ったら、上の緑の葉とは形が違う。よく見たら、茶色の何かの裏に、茶色い木の実がたくさん付いていた。 At first I thought they were withered leaves, but small brown nuts were hiding behind them. |
ピンクの葉は、近所の小学生が植えたもの。中学生だったか? Students from nearby school planted them. |
季節の終わり。 End of a season. |
季節が始まる前に枯れたコスモス。こういうのが気になる。 Withered cosmos before their season has come ... |
彼岸花が咲いていたから近寄ってみたら…… I get closer to spider lilies and noticed bulbs on the ground ... |
これから、まだまだ出てくるところだった。球根なんだなぁ。 Oh, they were sprouting ... |
かわいい…… There were more. Looking cute. |
……と思う間もなく、ピューッと伸びる(たぶん)。 They grow in a day ... |
気が付けば、花がさいていた……と思うのだろう、一日眺めていたら。 And produce flowers in a day. |
咲き誇る。 They were at their peak. |
咲くちょっと前。 It was right before its peak. |
咲くもうちょっと前。 And it needed more time before bloom. |
これも伸びる。年中無休で乞われればいつでも。 They don't produce flowers, by the way. |
日が当たっているように見えるけれど、葉の色がこうだった。 They looked as if they had been lit by the sun, but they were not. It's in such color. |
公園を後にして、中学校の外壁。もしや……と思って端から眺めていく。 I left the park and found a paintings of people on the wall of a school. |
あった! まじか。あの足の長さ、描いた人も狙った的な。放水しているところを見てみたい。 Ah-ha! The painter did that intentionally. Look at the guy on the right! |
笑っていたら、もうすぐ日暮れ。帰ろうっと。 I laughed and realized it was time to go home. |
Nikon D810,
photo walk,
SIGMA 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM,
Petzvalと行く、シモキタの夜 / Taking an Evening Walk with the Petzval Lens
When I take a photo walk in the evening, I tend to go out with a 35mm or 50mm lens. When the focal length is longer than that, camera blur will be more frequent. I want to use faster shutter speed than 1/200 sec. if I use an 85mm. This results in the higher ISO such as 3200.
Another problem is subjects are too close with an 85mm lens. The angle of view is so narrow that I can't often remember exactly where I took the photos.
Having said that, it still is fun to use a different focal length because I will be equipped with a different view thanks to the narrow angle of view that the lens can offer.
Anyway, I walked with my favorite Petzval 85mm around Shimokitazawa, Tokyo. A lot of shops and restaurants had been replaced with new ones. It's fun to discover such places.
「山本のハンバーグ」は「俺のハンバーグ 山本」という名前で、自由が丘の店を見たときから行きたいと思っていた店。
それはともかく、散歩の続きをどうぞ。ちなみに、Petzvalというレンズをご存じない方は、こちらのオフィシャルサイトでご確認ください。 https://microsites.lomography.jp/petzval-lens/jp/
The first thing I discovered that evening was a hamburg stake restaurant that had just opened. The restaurant has the same family name as mine, which part I loved about the restaurant most. Since I had found a chain in another town, I wanted to try it someday. (Actually, I tried this place the following week and it was good.)
Talking about the walk, I enjoyed the lights and shadows of the town as usual.
Photo Data
Place: 東京・下北沢 / Shimokitazawa, Tokyo
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: Lomography Petzval Art Lens 85mm f/2.2
床に映る光。さあて、どこで撮ったかな。 Light on a floor. I don't remember where I captured this. |
グラスがきらきら。こういうショーウィンドは、夜に見ると特に楽しい。 Glasses were shining. Seeing this kind of window display in the evening makes me feel good. |
形を見るだけでレイバンとわかる。 Ray Ban is Ray Ban. I can only tell from their look. |
アンティークっぽい加工がいい雰囲気。 Liking the antique-style atmosphere. |
店が閉まった後だと安心してウィンドウシューティングができる。 Window shooting is easier later in the evening. |
室内からの暖かい光が恋しくなる季節はもうすぐ。 The cold season when such a warm lighting looks inviting is getting closer. |
新しい店ができてた。あのマークから想像するにメガネ屋かな。 Found a new shop. It looks like an optical glasses shop judging from the sign. |
食事してからの散歩の場合、店が閉まっていてそこが何なのかわからないことが多い。 It's often hard to tell what kind of store it is after it has closed. I should have taken a walk in the earlier hours. |
店先に自転車が置いてあることが多い。皆さん、近所から通勤するのかな。 Bicycles are left in front of many shops. People commute to the shop from its neighborhood, maybe. |
DIEではなかったと思うけれども……。candleかなぁ。 It shouldn't be "DIE." It might be "candle." I'm not sure. |
かつ、勝つぞ! Red lanterns with names of foods they serve on it. |
店のロゴを見て歩くのも楽しい。 Just walking around looking at the logos of shops is fun. |
いつも通る花屋の前。この夜は、花より光のボケの勝ち。 I always pass in front of this flower shop. That night, the bokeh lights were more beautiful than the flowers they sell. |
あれが本物なら……。 I wish that diamond was real. |
草むらからブタが出てきた。 Suddenly a pig came out of the bush holding a ... uh ... I don't know what that was. |
ぼんやり、いい感じの光。 Dim lighting makes everything looks comfortable. |
床屋のサインはいつも撮りたくなる被写体のひとつ。 A sign of a barber is one of the things I can't resist to capture. |
この自転車は、通勤用ではなくてオブジェだと思う。 This bicycle should not be for commute. |
超昔ながらのシャッター? An old style shutter of a store. I couldn't figure out its type of business though. |
いつまでも大事に使ってほしい扉だね。 They should use such old door handles for coming years. |
そのうちカツラが必要になったら……ここに? When it's time to wear a wig, should i knock the door of this store? |
前はなかったと思う店。かわいいシャツとワンピース。僕は着ない。 This shop wasn't there when I walked the street last time. I don't wear such a pretty shirt or dress. |
別の床屋。ここの前は、よく、ポートレートスポットにもしている。 Another barber shop. I often take portraits in front of this place. |
また自転車。おしゃれすぎ。 Another bike. It is too fashionable. |
寂しそうなナプキン入れ。 A lone paper holder on the table after business hours. |
ここはおでん屋さん。あのマークは店の名前にちなんだもの……かもしれない。 The mark on the curtain should be made after this restaurant's name. |
いい光。落書きは読めないけど。 Good light. I can't read that graffiti. |
ガラスか畳を運ぶ支えか何かだろう。軽トラの荷台にあった。 I found this on a small truck. It's used when carrying a large glass or a tatami mat. |
自撮り。遠かった。 A distant selfie. |
駅の北側は、夜、静かで好きなエリア。 I like the quiet atmosphere of the north area of Shimokitazawa. |
井の頭線の高架下に店と広場ができていた。これはシトロエン。うちの車と同じロゴ。 A new shop opened under the railroad tracks. My car has that log on it, too. |
ピンクの光が色っぽい街角。 Sexy pink lighting had filled the area though there was not such a place there. |
夏の名残り。 A remnant of summer. |
じゃあね、また。 See you around! |
投稿 (Atom)