久しぶりに愛するSIGMA 35mm f/1.4 DG HSMを装着して、昼間の散歩をした。渋谷から国道246沿いに池尻大橋方面に向かい、そこから南下して、目黒川にほど近い菅刈公園へ。坂を登ると西郷山公園。さらに、お決まりのコース、代官山蔦屋書店で写真集を物色して、猿楽町、鶯谷町経由で渋谷に戻った。
I took a walk with the SIGMA 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM, one of my favorite lenses. I started from Shibuya Station, walking along Route 246 to the west. I took a left turn in Ohashi, Shibuya, walking along the Megro River, stopping by at some parks to enjoy spring flowers. After I browsing through the photo book corner of Daikanyama Tsutaka Bookstore, I headed to the east, strolling through quiet neighborhood and went back to Shibuya Station.
Photo Data
Place: 東京・渋谷 / Shibuya, Tokyo
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: SIGMA 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM
最近、このパンダが気になる。 I often saw this panda on the streets. I'm curious to know what that is. |
初めて見たビルのエントランス。あのでかいイスが欲しい。 I want that huge chair! |
まだ、こいつを食ったことはない。 I haven't eaten this fish before. |
古い車。名前は知らない。ピカピカに磨かれていて気持ちがいい。 An old car that I don't know the name of. It was well-polished and good-looking. |
防火用水。中には金魚、メダカ、タニシがいた。火事になったら大活躍だ。焼き魚になる? The water is for fire. But there some goldfish were living in it ... |
I love my 人生。胸を張ってそう言いたいね。 I love my life. I want say so for sure. |
交番の脇に富士山の登山口を発見! I found the start point for climbing Mt. Fuji! |
踏み出すとすぐに二合目が見えた! I saw the second station point as soon as I started to climb. |
三合目、四合目、五合目! The third, fourth and the fifth stations! So close! |
あっという間に頂上。 I reached to the top in no time :) |
Mt. Meguro Fuji is in the poremises of Meguro Hikawa Shrine situated along Route 246. To tell you the truth, I entered the shrine from a different entrance. I reached to the top as soon as enter the shrine, and all I had to do was going down the stairs. I showed pictures from the last to the first as if I had climbed the mountain ...
登山の後はアイスクリーム。と思ったが営業していなかった。 After climbing a mountain, I wanted to eat ice cream. But sadly, the shop was closed. |
菅刈公園で見つけたゴミ置き場。役目を終えたほうきを再利用? They recycled old blooms to make a garbage area. |
ハチがいた。春だね! A bee! It's springtime! |
菅刈公園の河津桜は満開。 The early-blooming cherry blossoms were in full bloom. |
西郷山公園に来た。こういう光の当たり方が好き。 I like how the sunlight was illuminating the leaves. |
岩のこういう模様も気になる。 I like the patterns on the rock. |
こういう意味不明なセッティングはさらに気になる。 Someone has added a chair next to a bench. |
逃げる子どもは追わない。 Don't chase a kid in a park. |
この日の目的だった西郷山公園の河津桜。 The reason I took this day's course was these flowers. |
楽しそう。 He looked like having fun. |
この日2度目の富士山(笑)。これがダイヤモンド富士。オレンジの玉ではダイヤモンドとは言わない。 I saw the Diamond and Mt. Fuji in a shop display. It was the second time to see "Mt. Fuji" today :D |
靴屋だけど、光と影のほうが気になる。 |
Are you on a diet? |
あとで、「いいね」をください。 Give this blog post a "Like" later. |
渋谷駅に戻った! I came back to Shibuya Station! |
It was a warm day. Perfect for a photo walk.