I visited Keio Mogusaen, one of the gardens along the railway I often take. It was packed with new green and flowers when I pay a visit. I thought I had visited this garden a long time ago, but I didn't remember the place at all. Anyway, I hope you'll feel refreshed by my photos.
Photo Data
Place: 東京・京王百草園 / Keio Mogusaen, Tokyo
Camera: Nikon D810
Lenses: AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED, SIGMA 24-105mm f/4 DG OS HSM | Art
自然の不思議。 A magic of nature. |
背の高いつつじ。 Tall Azalea. |
花を見ようと思ったら先客が。上に大きいの。その下に小さいのも、いた。 I got close to the flowers to see them, but there had already been small visitors. |
ほかの花を見ようと思ったら、やはり先客が。 So I decided to look at another flower, but there also had been a visitor. |
水面の光がきれいだった。 The light patterns on the pond were beautiful. |
ほかの場所へ……おっと、ここにも先客がいた。 I tried a different spot at the pond. Oh, there was a previous visitor on a leaf. |
くるりん。 Curls. |
こっちもくるりん。 Curls again. |
なんて花かな。 What flowers are they? |
最後の優美。 The last stage of azalea flowers. |
いたいた。 I found you! |
肉眼ではなんだかわからなかったから、マクロで撮って確認。 I couldn't figure out what they were with my bare eyes. |
透き通ったクモ。 A spider that has a translucent belly. |
光の中で。 In the sunlight. |
こちらも光の中。 More flowers in the sunlight. |
胞子がたくさん。 So many spores! |
拡大してみた。 I enlarged them with a macro lens. |
何かの終わり。 The end. |
こちらは始まり。 The start. |
I saw impressive old trees outside of Mogusaen garden. I later found out that they were in the premises of Mogusa Hachiman Shrine right next to the garden. I didn't expect to see such nature right out there.
昼間なのに薄暗い。 It was dim even in the middle of a day. |
この見事なたたずまい! Look how it stands there! Awesome. |
これが百草園から見えた木。木々? This is the tree I saw from the garden. |
この木には赤い目があった! This tree had a red eye! |
ほら! See? |
The red eye on the tree actually was a red mushroom. Wow ...
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