そのときのイベントで撮った1枚は、SIGMA 50mm f/1.4 DG HSMのスペシャルサイト用に選んだ。そして、その後、前々回(昨年)の個展にも展示した。
そのときのイベントで撮った1枚は、SIGMA 50mm f/1.4 DG HSMのスペシャルサイト用に選んだ。そして、その後、前々回(昨年)の個展にも展示した。

A friend of mine posted a photo on an SNS. The photo was taken during the event we had a couple of years ago, and I found out the event was held in Shinagawa, Tokyo by checking the date of the folders on my PC.
I selected one of the photos I took that day for the special site of the SIGMA 50mm f/1.4 Art lens. Then, that photo made it to my second solo exhibition last year.
SIGMA's special website is here: http://www.sigma-photo.co.jp/english/sgv/a_50_14/index.html
The photo at the top of this entry was taken before I took the final cut. I was using a wide-angle lens and noticed the woman was standing in the middle of the frame. I muttered to myself, "Don't move. Please don't move." I exchanged the lenses to the 50 mm and succeeded in capturing the moment.
FYI, the second photo in this entry is the 2016 version of the photo. The finish is slightly different from the previous ones.
FYI, the second photo in this entry is the 2016 version of the photo. The finish is slightly different from the previous ones.
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