I went to Azabujuban this weekend. Google Photos service let me know that I ate something four years ago, but I had no idea what that was in the picture. I posted the photo on an SNS and some friends found the restaurant.
So I had to see if I remember anything if I visited the store. Actually, I remembered everything when I get to the restaurant. So the picture below is what I ate there. It was a Japanese udon noodle with curry sauce. it was delicious.
そういうわけで、この日は麻布十番から北に向かって散歩をすることにした。ミッドタウンのフジフィルム スクエアで見たい写真展もやっていたから、コース的にはちょうどいい。
After I ate it, I got so full that I needed to walk a bit to stimulate digestion. I decided to walk up to Roppongi because one of the photo exhibitions that I wanted to see at the Fujifilm Square in the premises of Tokyo Midtown.
麻布十番は8月下旬の祭りの準備 The town of Azabujuban was preparing for the summer festival scheduled in the latter half of August. |
酒は飲まないけれど、こういうディスプレーを見るのは楽しい。 I don't drink but I like to see this kind of display. |
暑さに植木もうなだれる。植木鉢に植わっているにしては、サイズがでかい。 The potted plant was almost dried up in the heat. |
冠を見つけた。王子さま、お姫さまごっこに誰か付き合ってくれないかな。 That antique crown should look good on a prince .. like me. |
晴れていると、ネオンサインは影が面白い。 Even during the daytime, such neon sign looked interesting with its shadow on the wall. |
飛んでいるブタを発見。シッポが勢いよく回っていた。 The flying pig was alive and kicking. It was flying with its rotating tail :) |
ガレージにたたずむ、恐らく引退した道具たち。 Retired appliances looked sad at the back of a garage. |
「本日休業」の書体がガラス越しに変形して、さらにレトロ感を強調。 The retro "closed" sign looked even more retro through the old uneven glass. |
あそこに座るなということか。 Do those cones mean that I shouldn't sit on those boxes? |
紫の花。名前は知らないけれど、家の前に植えられていることが多いね。 Flowers wit no name (I just don't know it). |
グミのようなクマたち。 Blue gummy-like bears. |
ビルの1階にあったのに……。 I thought the door was on the first floor ... |
母は昔、父のことを「カズくん」と呼んでいたことを思い出す。 My mother used to call my father, "Kazu-kun." I remember that when I saw "gas" was written on the asphalt. |
何かを配置したくなる影。 The pattern that made me want to add something. But I didn't have anything good. |
もうちょっと影がずれていたらマンホールといい感じにコラボしていたな。 If the shadow was located slightly in a slightly different position, it worked well with the manhole. |
ビルからの反射光が壁面を照らす。 The reflected light from the adjacent building was illuminating the wall. |
桜の季節でははないけれど六本木の桜坂に入る。 A round bench with so many small holes. |
ベンチの穴が作る影がおもしろい。 The bench created interesting patterns on the ground. |
木漏れ日の光ボケ。 |
そうそう、ドラえもんにも会いたかった。でも、人が多すぎる六本木ヒルズ。 Yes, I wanted to meet Doraemon at Roppongi Hills. But there were too many visitors and I soon got fed up. |
ルイ・ヴィトン。磨かれたガラスは自撮りに最適。 The window display of Luis Vuitton was perfect for a selfie. |
ドラえもんの鈴でも自撮りができた。 I was able to capture myself on the bell around the neck of Doraemon, too. |
ママンの広場に向かうところで虹を見た。 The rainbow light on the wall. How nice to see such a thing there! |
せっかくなので、森タワーも入れてみる。 Now I tried to capture the rainbow with the Mori Tower. |
そんな様子を鳩が観察していたようだ。 A pigeon was watching me trying to capture the rainbow. |
あっち向きとこっち向き They never looked at each other. |
それにしても暑すぎる。 So hot! |
ドラえもんと影のツーショット。もはやなんだかわからない。 I captured Doraemon's and my shadows, but it may be hard to tell that it was Doraemon :) |
タイムマシーン、黄色いドラえもん、ドラミちゃんは撮影の列ができていた。 So many Doraemon, even more people was enjoying taking selfies! |
これが撮りたくて魚眼レンズを持って行った。エスカレーターに乗ってタイミングを図ってシャッターを切る。 Doraemon and his sister were flying under the roof of escalator room. I captured them standing on the ascending escalator. |
でも、地上レベルから普通に撮った方が楽だったのは内緒。 It was easier to capture them from the ground floor. |
Leaving Roppongi Hills, I headed for Tokyo Midtown. The entrance square of the place was packed with white statues related with the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. There were lots of huge statues, but what caught my eyes were very small ones around the fountain.
これはマラソン。 This is marathon. |
水球。 Water polo. |
ボート。 A rowing match. |
シンクロまで! 奥は乗馬と柔道かな。 Synchronized swimming. Behind it were horse riding and judo. |
競泳の彼はコースオフ。 The swimming man was going off course. |
Photo Data
Place: 東京・麻布十番~六本木 / From Azabujuban to Roppongi, Tokyo
Camera: Nikon D810
Lenses: AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR, AI AF Fisheye-Nikkor 16mm f/2.8D and iPhone 6
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