I had something to do in Shinjuku, so after I finished it, I walked toward east. Then, I changed directions and headed to south to see a elephant-shaped play equipment in a small park. I often saw it from the train window.
And I finally saw it. The photo above was the souvenir shot I got.
この日はいつもの一眼レフのほかに、Lomography Lomo'Instantというインスタントフィルム・カメラを持って歩いていた。以前、撮影の小道具にするという理由をつけて買ったもので、まともに使っていなかったから、かばんの隙間に入れて歩いていた。
I was carrying an instant film camera, Lomography Lomo'Instant with me that day. There was a reason I used this camera for the shot ...
I didn't see well from the train window, but it had lost part of its nose, and its eye was bleeding. It looked so sad, so I walked behind the elephant.
Even though taken from behind, it looked a bit sad. So, I took out the Lomo from my bag.
With the instant film, the atmosphere got blurred and now it looked better.
寂しさを紛らすために、百獣の王ライオンも撮ってみた。 There was a male lion there too. It stared at me. |
公園を後にしてさらに南下。中央線の高架の下をめでる。いいな、鉄骨の塊。 I left the park, walking further to the south. This is the bridge of the JR Chuo Line. I loved how it looked. |
千駄ヶ谷駅を南に抜けると、そこは東京体育館。2020年のオリンピックでも使うよね、ここ。 After passing Sendagaya Station, there was Tokyo Gymnasium. I'm sure they'll use this facility for the 2020 Olympic Games. |
階段を登って国立競技場側を見えると……何もないね、今。 Looking back from the stairs to the gymnasium, I saw the open ground. That place used to be park. Also, the athletic stadium had been gone. |
競技場を通り過ぎ、脇道に入る。なんとなく有機的な配置の配管を見つけた。 I passed the gymnasium and chose a narrow road. I found this pipes. It looked kind of, uh, organic. |
千駄ヶ谷トンネルの天井。亀裂だらけ? The ceiling of the Sendagaya Tunnel. Cracks everywhere. |
LANケーブルをここまで持ってきて置いた理由はなんだろう。 Why had the LAN cable been left at such a place? |
いい感じの階段デザイン。 The design of the stair case looked good. |
そろそろ影が長くなってきた。 The shadow was getting longer. |
細いタイヤの自転車には乗らない。すぐパンクするから(笑)。これはパンクしないタイプか? I don't ride this kind of bike. The tires were too narrow for the bumpy streets in Tokyo. |
おっと、前に見たビンテージカー。神宮前に入ってきたので方向転換。 I saw this car before. Yes, I went into Shibuya, so I changed direction again to go back to Shinjuku. |
神宮前2丁目あたりに何棟かある、60~70年代に建築されたデザイナーズマンション。ここは中庭がかっこいいらしいけれど、住んでいないから入れない。 I wanted to look inside of the residential building built in '70s, but I have to live in one of the apartments to do so. |
このころのデザインが好き。 I like such a design from my childhood. |
前に見た顔だ。原宿が近い。 I saw that girl before. Harajuku was very close. |
終わり。 The walk was over :) |
I walked 10 kilometers! Phew!
Photo Data
Place: 東京・新宿 / Shinjuku, Tokyo
Camera: Nikon D810, iPhone 6, Lomography Lomo'Instant
Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR
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