
NiSiのS5フィルターホルダーキット、使用開始 / Going out to the sea with NiSi's brand-new S5 filter holder kit




I was urged to go to a diner I frequented while I was doing my seascape project last year. So I decided to bring my camera gear and headed for Miura Peninsula. But ...





The diner had changed into a ramen shop. I just couldn't believe what there was in front of me. My stomach was ready for Tuna(Maguro) Don(Rice Bowl) so I didn't want to eat any ramen at all.

Anyway, I found another restaurant nearby and went to Tateishi Beach. These are my gear I had brought with me that day. The main objective is to eat a rice bowl but everything I needed was in the bag.

そしてこの日は、NiSiのS5フィルターホルダーキットを始動させた日。下の写真はアダプターリングを装着したNIKKOR 24-70 f/2.8Eに装着したところ。

And it was the first day I tried my new filter holder sistem, NiSi's S5. The photo below shows how the holder was attached to the lens. The lens was Nikon's 24-70mm f/2.8E. With an exclusive adapter ring, you can attach the S5 kit for Nikon's 14-24mm f/2.8G to it.





The best thing about the new S5 adapter is that once you attach the adapter to the lens hood, it will never fall off.

With the previous models, I didn't want to point my camera downward because the holder often go loose and fall off to the ground. You don't want such a thing happen on the rocky shore, right? Now, I don't have to worry about it at all. So for the photo at the top of this post, I happily pointed my camera downward at the rocks in the foreground.

1枚目写真:24mm f/11 60秒 ISO 64
2枚目以降:iPhone 7


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