
満開のツツジ / Azaleas in full bloom




On my way to the Ashikaga Flower Park, I remembered I had visited the Tsutsujigaoka Park in Tatebayashi City in Gunma prefecture. I wrote an article about a school in Tatebayashi in 2003, and one of the teachers there told me about the park. I visited the park one or two weeks after that and enjoyed the azalea flowers in full bloom. The park had very old azalea trees which were 800 hundred or so years old.

I like azaleas more than wisteria. Both were planted by men but the former stood by themselves and sometimes they look wilder. I didn't expect to see azalea flowers in the Ashikaga Flower Park but they had plenty of them. They looked really nice.

Their vivid red was glaring under the harsh sunlight.


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