I had something to do in Shinjuku. I took a train at the nearby station. I could go straight to Shinjuku by train, but I got off at Daitabashi, four stops before Shinjuku and started to walk to my destination.
When I take a walk, I just follow my heart. I turn right when I see something that catches my eyes. I turn left when I find a lovely shop in the corner at the end of the alley. But things I see most are the things I see in my daily life. Things that are common in the residential areas in Tokyo.
There's nothing special, but that nothingness is what I think interesting.
Photo Data
Place: 東京・代田橋~西新宿 / Tokyo, Ditabashi to Shinjuku
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: SIGMA 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM | Art
代田橋駅前の商店街の、まだ開いていない飲み屋の店先。造花かと思った。 White flowers were places at the counter of a closed bar. I thought they were fake. |
ていねいに等間隔に。持ち主の性格がうかがえる。 Those pots were placed evenly spaced apart and in a straight line. I imagined their owner's character. |
ダンベルが。誰かが通勤途中に、毎日ここで鍛えているんだろう。……そんなわけない。 Someone might exercise every day, on the way to work. |
ゴミネットくるくる。当番が代わると巻き方も変わるんだろうと想像して楽しむ。 A blue net that is to cover garbage. I liked how it was wound up around the bar. |
軒先の鉢植えになごむ。 Cosmos flowers at someone's entrance. |
この一本松、触るとたたりがあるんだって後で読んだ。触らなくてよかった。 I read about the tree later. The evil spirit will haunt you if you touch the tree. I was relieved because I didn't touch it. |
閉店して久しいから窓もガムテープで……と思ったら、デザインだった。 I thought the window of this unused house had been sealed. It was just part of its design ... |
「ス」が落ちるのも時間の問題。 That last letter will fall soon, I'm sure. |
何が入っているんだろうねぇ。気になる、気になる。 I wondered what was in the bin. |
こういう暗渠を見つけると入って行きたくなる。そして、突き当たって何もないことを知る。 As soon as I see this kind of covered conduit, I feel like going forward. And I soon realize there is nothing special at the other end. |
曇り空に映える赤。 They were so red under the cloudy sky. |
前に通った暗渠がモダンになっていた。それも、懐かしいモダン。 The 70's-modern flower pot. |
間一髪でカエルを救った犬。 It was the moment the dog rescued the frog. |
オペラシティを目指そうと、坂を登る決心をする。 I made up my mind to go up the slope. |
前に見たことのアートに笑いかけられ、先に進むのをやめてUターンした。 As soon as I saw this smile, I quite proceeding and turned back. |
驚く4つの顔。 Surprising four faces. |
皇太子降誕記念の国旗掲揚塔があった。いつ使ったんだろう。 It's the supporting column for the national flag. It says it's for the commemoration of the birth of the Imperial prince. |
大昔に役目を終えた旧橋の欄干。 A bridge fence that retired a long time ago. |
ネコがいた。逃げられた。 It ran away as soon as I pointed my camera at it. |
ブタがいた。にらまれた。 Those pigs glared at me when I tried to enter the road. |
ウサギがいた。ねだられた。 The rabbit said to me it wanted something to eat. |
ついてきた。 And it followed me. |
そうこうしているうちに暗渠は神田川に合流。 I walked along the covered conduit and reached the Kanda River. |
この辺りに商店街があった気がしたのだが、再開発でなくなっていた。 There might have been an old shopping street around this area, but it had gone due to the redevelopment. |
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