I didn't think much and took a walk in Jingumae area in Shibuya last week, so I had to walk in the same area on two consecutive weekends. I had booked a table at a cafe in Harajuku to eat this, so I had no other choice.
訪れたのは「オリジナルパンケーキハウス 原宿店」。本当は別のパンケーキを食べるつもりだったのだが、メニューに載っていた中で一番高かったのが、この「ミックスフルーツ・パンケーキ」だった。迷わずそれを選んだ(なぜパンケーキを食べるのかは、話すと長くなるのでここでは割愛)。
The place I visited was the Hrajuku shop of the Original Pancake House. I chose the most expensive pancake in the menu, though I had originally thought of ordering a different one. Why pancake? There's a reason but it's a long story. I'll write about it sometime in the future. Maybe.
Photo Data
Camera: Nikon D810(パンケーキの写真はiPhone 6)
Lens: SIGMA 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM
地球の上に立ったよ。……って、いつも立っているわけだけどさ。 I stood on the earth. I know we all are standing on it all the time, though. |
「許可されたアーティスト以外絵を描くな」と書いてあるんだけれど、もはやどれが許可を得たものかわからない。 The sign said only the commissioned artists are permitted to paint, but I had no idea which ones were the ones. |
小さい入り口。あの穴の中に何かが住んでいるかもしれない。 Does anything live in it? What a tiny entrance. |
あそこにあれを刺されたら、人形じゃなくてもキュッとしそうだ。 If that kind of object were inserted in that spot, everyone would have to stand straight like that mannequin. |
よく見るパンダステッカーを発見。夏には見えなくなること必定。 I often find this panda sticker in Tokyo. I'm sure the leaves will hide this one before summer. |
東京はお前のものだ。「たぶんねー」って書き足した奴は誰だ。 Tokyo is yours. But who added "maybe" there? |
いいなあ、「I LOVE MY 人生」。だんだん好きになってきた。 I love this sticker saying "I love my life." Now I'm getting to love my life. |
僕のハートもこれくらいきれいだよ。うん。 My heart is as beautiful as this. I bet. |
朽ち行くものの美。コクヨの美。 An unused desk left on the sidewalk. I love this kind of decay. |
前回も撮ったカエル。この日は白い方を主役にしようとしたら、でかいのに邪魔された感じ。だから酔っぱらいは嫌だ。 I saw the frogs I had seen last week again. This time, I tried to focus on the white one, but the drunken one interrupted me. |
いつも下を通り抜けることしかなかった外苑西通りに架かる橋。原宿陸橋っていうんだね。 I always pass under this bridge. It was my first to go over it. I didn't know its name until then. |
……で、原宿陸橋の上からの眺め。期待していたとおりの平凡さ。 The view from the bridge. It was just what I had expected. Too ordinary. |
ファッショナブルな街に行くと、ファッショナブルな人たちが多いから楽しい。この方は写真でしたけどね。 I love to take a walk in a fashionable area and see fashionable people. This girl was not there technically, though. |
思わぬところに徳富蘆花の名前を発見。住居跡? 本人も思っていなかった未来の光景だろう。 The wooden sign says a historically famous person once lived there. I bet he never imagined this kind of future change to his place.. |
お、うちの犬だ。 They looked like my dog. |
犬はちゃんと鎖につないで、ね。鎖を渡っているようにも見える? Keep your dog on a leash. Or let your dog walk on chains? |
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