After I finished my errand in Shinjuku, I took a walk to Shibuya last Monday. I had taken a walk in Jingumae area twice in two weeks, so this time, I chose a different route and walked past Meiji Jingu and its adjacent areas.
It was a warm and comfortable afternoon.
Photo Data
Place: 東京・新宿から渋谷 / Shinjuku to Shibuya, Tokyo
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: SIGMA 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM | Art
新宿出発。さよならゴジラ。 Leaving Shinjuku. Goodbye, Godzilla. Do you see it? |
ばなな。 Banana. |
フィッシュハウス? マリオ? あの人形はその折衷か(笑)? Fish House? Mario? Is that doll a combination of both? |
陽光に傾く様子がかわいい。 I liked the way the plant was leaning toward the sun. |
焼き肉ではなく、あの一番上に書いてある「カフェテラス」が気になった。探したけどもうなかった。 The sign on top of the building says "Cafe Terrace." I wanted to try the place, but it was already gone. |
代々木駅前から斜めに行く道が「青山街道」という名前だと、この日に知った。 I learned the name of this street that day. |
踏切を渡るときに見つけたタンポポ。 Dandelions I saw when crossing the railroad tracks. |
歩行喫煙禁止。でも、そんなでかいタバコは誰も持っていないと思う。 A No smoking sign with an incredibly big cigarette. |
懐かしい形のドアノブ。いいね。 The old-fashioned doorknob. I liked the design. |
お花さん、こんにちは。スイセンだっけ。 Hello, Flowers! Narcissus? |
代々木側から明治神宮外苑に入る。こちら側には人がない。 I enter Meiji Jingu from the back side. There was no one around there. |
陽光マジック。 Magical sunlight. |
不思議な形の幹。幹の中にさらに幹がある。 An interesting tree trunk. There was another trunk in the trunk. |
優しい光。なごむ。 Gentle sunlight soothed me. |
さらになごむ。 And it soothed me more. |
背の高い木がたくさん。 There were a lot of tall trees in the garden. |
橋の欄干にあった扉。開けたら中に何があるんだろう。 A door on the bridge railing. What's inside it? |
前の東京オリンピック当時の写真にも写っていた住居ビル。もうすぐ2度目を迎える。 I saw this building in the picture taken around the time of the first Olympic games. Soon it will greet the second one. |
ポップコーン犬! 一日でいなくなっちゃいそう、食われて。 Popcorn dogs! I'm afraid they would be gone if they were at my house. Of course, we would ate them up. |
乗ったら疲れそうだけれど、なんだかいい。 I would get tired riding this bike, but I liked the design. |
モクレンの仲間かな。純白がきれい。 Its pure white petals caught my eyes. |
現役……ではないね。ウィンドウディスプレイ。 Does that sawing machine still work? I don't know. |
遅い午後の光。車は汚れていたけれど、きれい。 Sunlight in the late afternoon. The car was dusty but the light was beautiful. |
なぜこれを撮ったのか。それは僕にもわからない。 Why did I capture this view? I don't know the reason myself. |
はしごを額に見立てて、もぐ、もぐ、もぐ、もぐ。一番下だけ違った。 MOG, MOG, MOG, MOG. In Japanese, it sounds like someone is eating. |
渋谷到着。野いちごなんかが咲いてるんだね。 I arrived in Shibuya, and found strawberry flowers. I didn't know they bloom around there. |
パルコ前の交差点。日が傾いて散歩終了。 The intersection illuminated by the sunset light. The walk ended there. |
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