そんなわけで今回は、渋谷から表参道に向かい、また渋谷に戻るという散歩道。ちょうどTOKYO RAINBOW PRIDEというLGBTのイベントの日で、どこを歩いても虹色の人たちがパレードをしていたよ。
My BOSE headphones broke down, so I brought them to their store in Omotesando. I had brought them there last year and paid half the proper price to exchange the broken ones to the new ones. This time, the one-year warranty was still valid so I received the new pair for free.
So my photo walk that day started at Shibuya station. It was the day for the event called, TOKYO RAINBOW PRIDE, which was for improving the situation of LGBT people in Japan. So many people were parading in rainbow color clothes.
影を見つけて、そのあと影の主を探すのが通例。 I usually find the shadow first. Then, I try to find its owners. |
水道メーターのふた。眉毛を書き足したのだろうか。 Did someone add eyebrows to the water meter covers? |
キラキラの虹。 Glittering rainbow lights. |
Z印。 A pig with a Z. |
吠えられた。 They barked at me. |
しゃれた駐車禁止。 Fancy no parking signs. |
花束の忘れ物があった。造花だった。 Someone had left a bouquet. They were made of plastic, though. |
久しぶりにこの笑顔を見た。代々木体育館の敷地内。 It was first time to see this smile in a long time. |
虹色のパレード。見学している人も多かった。 A lot of people were joining the parade with rainbow colors. Spectators were so many, too. |
表参道ヒルズの同潤会アパート部分の影。 Shadow lines. |
表は賑やか。こちら側は静か。 I looked at the busy sidewalk from the quiet stair case. |
人口の光。 Man-made Light and shadow. |
増殖。 Multiplied. |
渋谷ヒカリエにつながる通路。最後に見た、ちょっと虹っぽい色の光。 Light from the late afternoon sun. It looked a bit like rainbow on the floor. |
Photo Data
Place: 東京・渋谷~表参道 / Shibuya and Omotesando, Tokyo
Camera: Nikon D810
Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR